We have put together a list of words that are similar to COLEOPTERA.

1 Alternative Words Similar to coleoptera

1 Coleoptera Noun      Synonym Words Like Coleoptera

4 definitions of coleoptera

1 An order of insects having the anterior pair of wings (elytra) hard and horny, and serving as coverings for the posterior pair, which are membranous, and folded transversely under the others when not in use. The mouth parts form two pairs of jaws (mandibles and maxillæ) adapted for chewing. Most of the Coleoptera are known as beetles and weevils.
2 beetles
3 An order of Hexapoda, or of the class Insecta proper, having the posterior pair of membranous wings sheathed by the hardened anterior pair called elytra, which when folded together usually form a nearly complete covering of the body; the sheath-winged insects or beetles.
4 Plural of coleopteron.
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