Words Like CORKER

We have put together a list of words that are similar to CORKER.

3 Alternative Words Similar to corker

1 Content Noun      Synonym Words Like Content
2 Message Noun      Synonym Words Like Message
3 Substance Noun      Synonym Words Like Substance

10 definitions of corker

1 (dated slang) a remarkable or excellent thing or person
2 a machine that is used to put corks in bottles
3 One that corks bottles, for example.
4 Slang A remarkable or astounding person or thing.
5 One who or that which corks.
6 In manufacturing, an instrument to stretch women's shoes.
7 An unanswerable fact or argument; that which makes further discussion or action unnecessary or impossible; a settler.
8 A successful examination; a “rush.”
9 One who puts corks into bottles.
10 A person or thing that is exceptional or remarkable.
We get our data from many different dictionaries across the web:
Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide