Words Like HITHER

We have put together a list of words that are similar to HITHER.

2 Alternative Words Similar to hither

1 Here Adverb      Synonym Words Like Here
2 There Adverb      Antonym Words Like There

2 examples of hither

1 to come or bring hither
2 on the hither side of a hill

10 definitions of hither

1 To this place; -- used with verbs signifying motion, and implying motion toward the speaker; correlate of hence and thither.
2 To this point, source, conclusion, design, etc.; -- in a sense not physical.
3 Being on the side next or toward the person speaking; nearer; -- correlate of thither and farther.
4 Applied to time: On the hither side of, younger than; of fewer years than.
5 to this place (especially toward the speaker)
6 To or toward this place: Come hither.
7 Located on the near side.
8 thither In or to many places; here and there: looked hither and thither for the ring; ran hither and yon.
9 To this place: used with verbs signifying motion: as, to come hither; to bring hither.
10 To this time; up to the present time.
We get our data from many different dictionaries across the web:
Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide