We have put together a list of words that are similar to TOUCHBACK.

1 Alternative Words Similar to touchback

1 Safety Noun      Antonym Words Like Safety

5 definitions of touchback

1 The act of touching the football down by a player behind his own goal line when it received its last impulse from an opponent; -- distinguished from safety touchdown.
2 (American football) a play in which the opposing team has kicked the football into your end zone
3 Football A play in which the defensive team recovers and downs the ball behind its own goal line after the ball has been kicked or passed there by the team on offense. No points are scored, and the ball is put back in play by the recovering team on its own 20-yard line.
4 In foot-ball, the act (of a player guarding his own goal-line) of touching the ball to the ground on, over, or behind the goal-line, the ball so touched being declared dead by the referee, provided the impetus which sent it to or across the line was given by an opponent.
5 The result of a play (usually a kickoff or punt) in which the ball passes out the back of the end zone or a team otherwise gains possession of the ball in their own end zone.
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