We have put together a list of words that are similar to ALLOCUTION.

2 Alternative Words Similar to allocution

1 Address Noun      Synonym Words Like Address
2 Speech Noun      Synonym Words Like Speech

7 definitions of allocution

1 A speaking to; an address, especially a formal address. Also written adlocution.
2 Specifically— In Roman antiquity, a formal address by a general-in-chief or imperator to his soldiers. Such scenes were often represented in art on medals and reliefs, In the Roman Catholic Church, a public address by the pope to his clergy, or to the church generally.
3 A formal speech, especially one which is regarded as authoritative and forceful.
4 The question put to a convicted defendant by a judge after the rendering of the verdict in a trial, in which the defendant is asked whether he or she wishes to make a statement to the court before sentencing; the statement made by a defendant in response to such a question; the legal right of a defendant to make such a statement.
5 The legal right of a victim, in some jurisdictions, to make a statement to a court prior to sentencing of a defendant convicted of a crime causing injury to that victim; the actual statement made to a court by a victim.
6 A pronouncement by a pope to an assembly of church officials concerning a matter of church policy.
7 (rhetoric) a formal or authoritative address that advises or exhorts
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