We have put together a list of words that are similar to AUDITORIUM.

1 Alternative Words Similar to auditorium

1 Area Noun      Synonym Words Like Area

9 definitions of auditorium

1 The part of a church, theater, or other public building, assigned to the audience.
2 a building, or a room within a building, containing a large open space for public gatherings, and often having a raised stage where speakers or presentations may be easily viewed by the audience.
3 the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits
4 A large room to accommodate an audience in a building such as a school or theater.
5 A large building for public meetings or performances.
6 In a church, theater, public hall, or the like, the space allotted to the hearers or audience.
7 In monasteries, an apartment for receiving visitors; a parlor or reception-room.
8 A large room for public meetings or performances.
9 The space where the audience is located.
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Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide