Words Like AURA
We have put together a list of words that are similar to AURA.
13 Alternative Words Similar to aura
3 examples of aura
the place had an aura of romance
an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters
the house had a neglected air
10 definitions of aura
Any subtile, invisible emanation, effluvium, or exhalation from a substance, as the aroma of flowers, the odor of the blood, a supposed fertilizing emanation from the pollen of flowers, etc.
The peculiar sensation, as of a light vapor, or cold air, rising from the trunk or limbs towards the head, a premonitory symptom of epilepsy or hysterics.
a sensation (as of a cold breeze or bright light) that precedes the onset of certain disorders such as a migraine attack or epileptic seizure
a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing
an indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint
An invisible breath, emanation, or radiation.
A distinctive but intangible quality that seems to surround a person or thing; atmosphere: An aura of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters.
Pathology A sensation, as of a cold breeze or a bright light, that precedes the onset of certain disorders, such as an epileptic seizure or an attack of migraine.
A supposed influence, force, or imponderable matter proceeding from a body and surrounding it as an atmosphere; specifically, an imponderable substance supposed to emanate from all living things, to consist of the subtle essence of the individual, and to be a means of manifesting what is called animal magnetism, and also a medium for the operation of alleged mesmeric, clairvoyant, and somnambulic powers. Also called nerve-aura, or nervaura.
Figuratively, atmosphere; air; character, etc.