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1 Meeting Noun      Synonym Words Like Meeting

9 definitions of conclave

1 The set of apartments within which the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church are continuously secluded while engaged in choosing a pope.
2 The group of Roman Catholic cardinals locked in a conclave until they elect a new pope; the body of cardinals
3 A private meeting; a close or secret assembly.
4 A private apartment; particularly, the place in which the Sacred College or assembly of cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church meets in privacy for the election of a pope.
5 The assembly or meeting of the cardinals for the election of a pope.
6 Formerly the pope was elected by the clergy and people of Rome; but, owing to the violence and even bloodshed with which these elections were attended, the right of election was in 1059 vested in the cardinals, and is still exercised by them. During the progress of an election, which usually lasts several days, they and their attendants are locked up and guarded within the apartments in the Vatican occupied by them, to prevent any external interference or influence.
7 The body of cardinals; the Sacred College.
8 Any private meeting; a close assembly.
9 a confidential or secret meeting
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