We have put together a list of words that are similar to DEBENTURE.
2 Alternative Words Similar to debenture
8 definitions of debenture
A writing acknowledging a debt; a writing or certificate signed by a public officer or corporation as evidence of debt; specifically, an instrument, generally under seal, for the repayment of money lent: usually if not exclusively used of obligations of corporations or large moneyed copartnerships, issued in a form convenient to be bought and sold as investments.
In the customs, a certificate of drawback; a writing which states that a person is entitled to a certain sum from the government on the reëxportation of specified goods, the duties on which have been paid.
In some government departments, a bond or bill by which the government is charged to pay a creditor or his assigns the money due on auditing his account.
A certificate that certifies an amount of money owed to someone; a certificate of indebtedness.
A certificate of a loan made to the government; a government bond.
A type of bond secured only by the general credit or promise to pay of the issuer, now commonly issued by large, well established corporations with adequate credit ratings.
the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future
a certificate or voucher acknowledging a debt