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10 definitions of denominator

1 One who, or that which, gives a name; origin or source of a name.
2 That number placed below the line in common fractions which shows into how many parts the integer or unit is divided.
3 That part of any expression under a fractional form which is situated below the horizontal line signifying division.
4 the divisor of a fraction
5 Mathematics The expression written below the line in a common fraction that indicates the number of parts into which one whole is divided.
6 A common trait or characteristic.
7 An average level or standard: The success of the film demonstrates the denominator of public taste.
8 One who or that which gives a name; one from whom or that from which a name is derived.
9 Specifically In math.: In arithmetic, that term of a fraction which indicates the value of the fractional unit; that term of a fraction which represents the divisor, and is, in common fractions, written below the dividend or numerator. See fraction.
10 In algebra, a divisor placed under a dividend, as in a numerical fraction.
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