We have put together a list of words that are similar to DETRACTION.

1 Alternative Words Similar to detraction

1 Calumny Noun      Synonym Words Like Calumny

10 definitions of detraction

1 A taking away or withdrawing.
2 The act of taking away from the reputation or good name of another; a lessening or cheapening in the estimation of others; the act of depreciating another, from envy or malice; calumny.
3 the act of discrediting or detracting from someone's reputation (especially by slander)
4 a petty disparagement
5 The act of detracting or taking away.
6 A derogatory or damaging comment on a person's character or reputation; disparagement: The candidate responded sharply to the long list of detractions concocted by his opponent.
7 A withdrawing; a taking away; removal.
8 The act of disparaging or belittling the reputation or worth of a person, with the view to lessen or lower him in the estimation of others; the act of depreciating the powers or performances of another, from envy or malice.
9 Synonyms Depreciation, disparagement, slander, calumny, defamation, derogation.
10 the act of detracting something, or something detracted
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