Words Like DEVIATE

We have put together a list of words that are similar to DEVIATE.

23 Alternative Words Similar to deviate

1 Vary Verb      Synonym Words Like Vary
2 Diverge Verb      Synonym Words Like Diverge
3 Depart Verb      Synonym Words Like Depart
4 Differ Verb      Synonym Words Like Differ
5 Turn Verb      Synonym Words Like Turn
6 Conform Verb      Antonym Words Like Conform
7 Err Verb-intransitive      Synonym Words Like Err
8 Aberrate Verb      Hyponym Words Like Aberrate
9 Negate Verb      Hyponym Words Like Negate
10 Belie Verb      Hyponym Words Like Belie
11 Detour Verb      Hyponym
12 Satyr Noun      Hyponym
13 Fetishist Noun      Hyponym
14 Letch Noun      Hyponym
15 Lech Noun      Hyponym
16 Paedophile Noun      Hyponym
17 Sadomasochist Noun      Hyponym
18 Lecher Noun      Hyponym
19 Paederast Noun      Hyponym
20 Sadist Noun      Hyponym
21 Pederast Noun      Hyponym
22 Masochist Noun      Hyponym
23 Pedophile Noun      Hyponym

2 examples of deviate

1 deviate behavior
2 deviant ideas

10 definitions of deviate

1 To go out of the way; to turn aside from a course or a method; to stray or go astray; to err; to digress; to diverge; to vary.
2 To cause to deviate.
3 having behavior differing from that which is normal or expected, especially in an undesirable or socially disapproved manner.
4 a person having behavior differing from that which is normal or socially acceptable; -- used especially to characterize persons whose sexual behavior is considered morally unacceptable.
5 be at variance with; be out of line with
6 turn aside; turn away from
7 cause to turn away from a previous or expected course
8 a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior
9 markedly different from an accepted norm
10 To turn aside from a course or way.
We get our data from many different dictionaries across the web:
Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide