We have put together a list of words that are similar to DIASTOLE.
2 Alternative Words Similar to diastole
7 definitions of diastole
The phase or process of relaxation and dilation of the heart chambers, between contractions, during which they fill with blood; an instance of the process.
The lengthening of a vowel or syllable beyond its typical length.
The normal rhythmical dilatation or relaxation of the heart or other blood-vessel, which alternates with systole or contraction, the two movements together constituting pulsation or beating: as, auricular diastole; ventricular diastole.
The period or length of time during which a rhythmically pulsating vessel is relaxed or dilated; the time-interval which alternates with systole.
In Greek grammar, a mark similar in position and shape to a comma, but originally semicircular in form, used to indicate the correct separation of words, and guard against a false division, such as might pervert the sense.
In ancient prosody, lengthening or protraction of a syllable regularly short; especially, protraction of a syllable preceding a pause or taking the ictus: as
the widening of the chambers of the heart between two contractions when the chambers fill with blood