We have put together a list of words that are similar to DISENCHANT.

1 Alternative Words Similar to disenchant

1 Enchant Verb      Antonym Words Like Enchant

1 examples of disenchant

1 the candidate was disenchanted by the low turnout at the rally

7 definitions of disenchant

1 To free from enchantment; to deliver from the power of charms or spells.
2 to free (a person) from fascination or delusion; to destroy the false hopes or overoptimistic expectations of (a person); to disillusion; -- used with people or events as the agent (subject).
3 free from enchantment
4 To free from illusion or false belief; undeceive.
5 To free from enchantment; deliver from the power of charms or spells, or of an enchanter; free from fascination or delusion.
6 to free someone from illusion, false belief or enchantment; to undeceive or disillusion
7 to nullify a spell or magic enchantment
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