We have put together a list of words that are similar to ETYMOLOGIZE.

6 Alternative Words Similar to etymologize

1 Etymologise Verb      Synonym Words Like Etymologise
2 Construct Verb      Synonym Words Like Construct
3 Derive Verb      Synonym Words Like Derive
4 Educe Verb      Synonym Words Like Educe
5 Reconstruct Verb      Synonym Words Like Reconstruct
6 Retrace Verb      Synonym Words Like Retrace

1 examples of etymologize

1 Although he is not trained in this, his hobby is etymologizing

7 definitions of etymologize

1 To study etymology or the history of words; search into the origin of words.
2 To provide or suggest etymologies for words. How perilous it is to etymologize at random.
3 To give the etymology of; trace the etymology of; provide or suggest an etymology for.
4 Also spelled etymologise.
5 to find or provide etymology for a word, to find etymon for a given word
6 give the etymology or derivation or suggest an etymology (for a word)
7 construct the history of words
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Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide