We have put together a list of words that are similar to FORELOCK.

2 Alternative Words Similar to forelock

1 Foretop Noun      Synonym Words Like Foretop
2 Quiff Noun      Hyponym

10 definitions of forelock

1 The lock of hair that grows from the forepart of the head.
2 A cotter or split pin, as in a slot in a bolt, to prevent retraction; a linchpin; a pin fastening the cap-square of a gun.
3 a lock of hair growing (or falling) over the forehead
4 a lock of a horse's mane that grows forward between the ears
5 A lock of hair that grows from or falls on the forehead, especially the part of a horse's mane that falls forward between the ears.
6 A cotter pin; a linchpin.
7 A round or flat wedge of iron passed through a hole in the inner end of a bolt to prevent its withdrawal when a strain is placed on it.
8 In medieval armor, a clasp or catch serving to hold the helm, or in some cases the beaver or the mentonnière, to the gorgerin or breastplate in front.
9 Nautical, to secure by a forelock, as a bolt.
10 The lock of hair that grows from the fore part of the head; a prominent or somewhat detached lock above the forehead, especially of a horse.
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Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide