We have put together a list of words that are similar to FUNICULUS.

4 Alternative Words Similar to funiculus

1 Funicle Noun      Synonym
2 Stem Noun      Synonym Words Like Stem
3 Structure Noun      Synonym Words Like Structure
4 Umbilical Noun      Hyponym

10 definitions of funiculus

1 Any of several cordlike structures, especially the umbilical cord, or a bundle of nerve fibres in the spinal cord
2 A stalk that connects the seed (or ovule) with the placenta
3 A small rope or cord.
4 In early German land-law, a cord or slender rope with which land was measured.
5 In old physics, a self-contracting ether, assumed by some of those who rejected the doctrine of the elasticity of the air.
6 In botany, same as funicle, 4.
7 In anat.: The navel-string or umbilical cord, connecting the fetus with the placenta, and so with the parent. Also funis and funicle.
8 One of the smaller bundles of a nerve which are inclosed in a special sheath of neurilemma or perineurium. See nerve.
9 In Polyzoa, the gastroparietal band or ligament connecting the alimentary eanal with the wall of the endocyst. See cut under Plumatella.
10 In Myriapoda, a cord connecting the anal end of the embryo with the so-called amnion.
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