We have put together a list of words that are similar to GRAMMATICAL.

2 Alternative Words Similar to grammatical

1 Grammatic Adjective      Synonym Words Like Grammatic
2 Ungrammatical Adjective      Antonym Words Like Ungrammatical

4 examples of grammatical

1 a grammatical rule
2 the sentence is not grammatical; the construction is not grammatical
3 grammatical rules
4 grammatical gender

10 definitions of grammatical

1 Of or pertaining to grammar; of the nature of grammar.
2 According to the rules of grammar; grammatically correct.
3 of or pertaining to grammar
4 conforming to the rules of grammar or usage accepted by native speakers
5 Of or relating to grammar.
6 Conforming to the rules of grammar: a grammatical sentence.
7 Of or pertaining to grammar: as, a grammatical rule, error, question, distinction, etc.
8 Conforming to or in accordance with the rules of grammar: as, a grammatical sentence.
9 Acceptable as a correct sentence or clause as determined by the rules and conventions of the grammar, or morpho-syntax of the language.
10 Of or pertaining to grammar.
We get our data from many different dictionaries across the web:
Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide