We have put together a list of words that are similar to GUILLOTINE.

3 Alternative Words Similar to guillotine

1 Closure Noun      Synonym Words Like Closure
2 Cloture Noun      Synonym Words Like Cloture
3 Clôture Noun      Hypernym

10 definitions of guillotine

1 A machine used in France for beheading condemned persons by the action of a heavily weighted, oblique-edged knife falling between two grooved posts upon the neck of the victim, whose head protrudes through a circular hole in a divided plank.
2 One of several machines similar in principle to the above, much used for cutting paper, straw, etc. Also called guillotine cutter.
3 In surgery, an instrument for cutting the tonsils.
4 To behead by the guillotine.
5 A machine for breaking iron by means of a falling weight.
6 A machine used for the application of capital punishment by decapitation, consisting of a tall upright frame from which is suspended a heavy diagonal-edged blade.
7 A device used for cutting stacks of paper to straight edges, usually by means of a hinged blade attached to a flat platform.
8 A cloture; a motion that debate be ended and a vote taken.
9 To execute, cut or cut short (a person, a stack of paper or a debate) by use of a guillotine.
10 closure imposed on the debate of specific sections of a bill
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