Words Like GUNWALE
We have put together a list of words that are similar to GUNWALE.
1 Alternative Words Similar to gunwale
5 definitions of gunwale
The upper edge of a vessel's or boat's side; the uppermost wale of a ship (not including the bulwarks); or that piece of timber which reaches on either side from the quarter-deck to the forecastle, being the uppermost bend, which finishes the upper works of the hull.
wale at the top of the side of boat; topmost planking of a wooden vessel
Nautical The upper edge of the side of a vessel.
Nautical, the upper edge of a ship's side; the uppermost wale of a ship, or that piece of timber which reaches on either side from the quarterdeck to the forecastle, being the uppermost bend which finishes the upper works of the hull.
The top edge of the hull of a nautical vessel, where it meets the deck.