We have put together a list of words that are similar to INCONSEQUENCE.

4 Alternative Words Similar to inconsequence

1 Quality Noun      Synonym Words Like Quality
2 Consequence Noun      Antonym Words Like Consequence
3 Invalidness Noun      Hyponym
4 Invalidity Noun      Hyponym

8 definitions of inconsequence

1 hence; for this cause.
2 The quality or state of being inconsequent; lack of just or logical inference or argument; inconclusiveness.
3 having no important effects or influence
4 invalid or incorrect reasoning
5 The condition or quality of being inconsequent; want of proper or logical sequence; inconclusiveness.
6 That which is inconsequent; something that does not properly follow; an unrelated or misplaced sequence.
7 The state or quality of being inconsequent.
8 Lacking just or logical inference or argument
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Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide