Words Like MARE
We have put together a list of words that are similar to MARE.
3 Alternative Words Similar to mare
10 definitions of mare
The female of the horse, or of other species of the genus Equus.
A few ears of grain left standing and tied together, at which the harvesters throw their sickles till the knot is cut.
Oppressed sleep; incubus, formerly regarded as an evil spirit of the night that oppresses persons during sleep: now used only in the compound nightmare.
An obsolete form of more.
A sea; specifically, in astronomy, a name for certain dark regions on the surface of the moon which were supposed by Galileo and other early observers to be seas or oceans, and are now regarded as plains; also a name for certain dark regions on the planet Mars.
A dark, large circular plain; a “sea”.
On Saturn's moon Titan, a large expanse of what is thought to be liquid hydrocarbons.
A type of evil spirit thought to sit on the chest of a sleeping person; also the feeling of suffocation felt during sleep; a nightmare.