We have put together a list of words that are similar to MARKSMAN.

4 Alternative Words Similar to marksman

1 Sharpshooter Noun      Synonym Words Like Sharpshooter
2 Shot Noun      Synonym Words Like Shot
3 Rifleman Noun      Hyponym
4 Sniper Noun      Hyponym

10 definitions of marksman

1 One skillful to hit a mark with a missile; one who shoots well. especially with a pistol or rifle.
2 One who makes his mark, instead of writing his name, in signing documents.
3 someone skilled in shooting
4 A man skilled in shooting at a target.
5 A classification in the U.S. Army and Marine Corps for the lowest of three ratings of rifle proficiency.
6 One who holds this rating.
7 One who is skilful in shooting with a gun or a bow; one who readily hits the mark; a good shooter.
8 One who, not being able to write, makes his mark instead of signing his name.
9 A soldier who makes 60 per cent. at target practice at ranges up to 600 yards.
10 A man skilled in shooting (a gun) at a target.
We get our data from many different dictionaries across the web:
Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide