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9 definitions of pellicle

1 A thin skin or film.
2 A thin film formed on the surface of an evaporating solution.
3 thin protective membrane in some protozoa
4 A thin skin or film, such as an organic membrane or liquid film.
5 A little or thin skin; a cuticle; a film; a scum: as, the nacreous pellicle of some shells; the coaly pellicle of many fossil plants; the filmy pellicle or scum of infusions in which infusorial animalcules or microscopic fungi develop.
6 In chem., a thin crust formed on the surface of saline solutions when evaporated to a certain degree. This pellicle consists of crystallized saline particles.
7 In botany, same as cortical layer (Which see, under cortical)
8 In entomology, the skin of the subimago of an ephemerid.
9 Cuticle, the hard protective outer layer of certain life forms.
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