We have put together a list of words that are similar to PRECIPICE.

1 Alternative Words Similar to precipice

1 Drop Noun      Synonym Words Like Drop

10 definitions of precipice

1 A sudden or headlong fall.
2 A headlong steep; a very steep, perpendicular, or overhanging place; an abrupt declivity; a cliff.
3 a very steep cliff
4 An overhanging or extremely steep mass of rock, such as a crag or the face of a cliff.
5 The brink of a dangerous or disastrous situation: on the precipice of defeat.
6 A headlong fall; an abrupt descent.
7 A bank or cliff extremely steep, or even perpendicular or overhanging; a headlong declivity.
8 The brink of a steep declivity; hence, a dangerous place; a critical position; a perilous location.
9 A very steep cliff.
10 The brink of a dangerous situation.
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