We have put together a list of words that are similar to PSEUDOPODIUM.
4 Alternative Words Similar to pseudopodium
6 definitions of pseudopodium
In Protozoa, as pseudopods, rhizopods, or myxopods, a temporary diversiform prolongation or protrusion of the sarcode or body-substance of the animalcule, to any extent or in any shape, capable of being withdrawn or reabsorbed into the general mass of the body, and serving as an organ of locomotion, prehension, or ingestion; a pseudopod, or false foot: generally in the plural.
In Rotifera, the aboral region, caudal extremity, or tail-end of a wheel-animalcule.
In botany: In Musci, a false pedicel, or elongation of the extremity of a branch of the oöphyte, in the form of a stalk, supporting a sporogonium or capsule.
In Mycetozoa, a protrusion of the protoplasm of an amœboid body, which may be drawn in, or into which the whole body may move.
temporary outgrowth used by some microorganisms as an organ of feeding or locomotion