We have put together a list of words that are similar to SOMETHING.

2 Alternative Words Similar to something

1 Thing Noun      Synonym Words Like Thing
2 Part Noun      Synonym Words Like Part

10 definitions of something

1 Anything unknown, undetermined, or not specifically designated; a certain indefinite thing; an indeterminate or unknown event; an unspecified task, work, or thing.
2 A part; a portion, more or less; an indefinite quantity or degree; a little.
3 A person or thing importance.
4 In some degree; somewhat; to some extent; at some distance.
5 An undetermined or unspecified thing: "We're all recalling something, furtively seeking something” ( Virginia Woolf).
6 An unspecified or undetermined amount or extent: We know something about the early settlers in this area.
7 One having some or many of the same attributes, character, or essence as another: Trying to fix the computer myself was something of a mistake.
8 A remarkable or important thing or person: He thinks he is something in that uniform.
9 One who falls into a specified age range. Often used in combination: fortysomethings who attended their class reunion.
10 Of, relating to, or being a member of a specified age range. Often used in combination: "the lives and loves of hip, twentysomething city dwellers” ( Joseph P. Kahn).
We get our data from many different dictionaries across the web:
Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide