We have put together a list of words that are similar to STOMACHER.

1 Alternative Words Similar to stomacher

1 Garment Noun      Synonym Words Like Garment

8 definitions of stomacher

1 One who stomachs.
2 An ornamental covering for the breast, worn originally both by men and women. Those worn by women were often richly decorated.
3 garment consisting of a V-shaped panel of stiff material worn over the chest and stomach in the 16th century
4 A heavily embroidered or jeweled garment formerly worn over the chest and stomach, especially by women.
5 One who stomachs, in any sense of the word.
6 A stomachic; an appetizer.
7 A part of the dress covering the front of the body, generally forming the lower part of the bodice in front and usually projecting down into the skirt or lapping over it—the name being given to the whole front piece covering the pit of the stomach and the breast.
8 A plaque or brooch, usually large, the name being derived from that part of the dress upon which the brooch was worn.
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