We have put together a list of words that are similar to STOPCOCK.

2 Alternative Words Similar to stopcock

1 Cock Noun      Synonym Words Like Cock
2 Turncock Noun      Synonym Words Like Turncock

7 definitions of stopcock

1 A bib, faucet, or short pipe, fitted with a turning stopper or plug for permitting or restraining the flow of a liquid or gas; a cock or valve for checking or regulating the flow of water, gas, etc., through or from a pipe, etc.
2 The turning plug, stopper, or spigot of a faucet.
3 faucet consisting of a rotating device for regulating flow of a liquid
4 A valve that regulates the flow of fluid through a pipe; a faucet.
5 A faucet with a valve of some form, operated by a handle: used to open or close a pipe or passage for water, gas, etc. Such cocks are sometimes made self-closing, to prevent waste.
6 A valve, tap or faucet which regulates the flow of liquid or gas through a pipe.
7 A main shutoff for water to a home from a municipal supply. Usually these valves exist in pairs, on outside the property boundary and one inside the property boundary.
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Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide