We have put together a list of words that are similar to SUPERSCRIPTION.

1 Alternative Words Similar to superscription

1 Inscription Noun      Synonym Words Like Inscription

8 definitions of superscription

1 The act of superscribing.
2 That which is written or engraved on the surface, outside, or above something else; specifically, an address on a letter, envelope, or the like.
3 That part of a prescription which contains the Latin word recipe (Take) or the sign �.
4 an inscription written above something else
5 the activity of superscribing
6 Something written above or outside something else.
7 The part of a prescription that bears the Latin word recipe represented by the symbol ℞.
8 That which is written or engraved on the outside of or above something else; especially, an address on a letter.
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