We have put together a list of words that are similar to SUPERSTITION.

1 Alternative Words Similar to superstition

1 Belief Noun      Synonym Words Like Belief

7 definitions of superstition

1 An ignorant or irrational fear of that which is unknown or mysterious; especially, such fear of some invisible existence or existences; specifically, religious belief or practice, or both, founded on irrational fear or credulity; excessive or unreasonable religious scruples produced by credulous fears.
2 A religious belief or a system of religion regarded as based on ignorance and fear; especially, the worship of false gods, as induced by fear; pagan religious doctrines and practices.
3 Hence, any false or unreasonable belief tenaciously held: as, popular superstitions.
4 Excessive nicety; scrupulous exactness.
5 Idolatrous devotion.
6 A belief, not based on human reason or scientific knowledge, that future events may be influenced by one's behaviour in some magical or mystical way.
7 an irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear
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