We have put together a list of words that are similar to TRANSLITERATE.

4 Alternative Words Similar to transliterate

1 Transcribe Verb      Synonym Words Like Transcribe
2 Braille Verb      Hyponym
3 Latinise Verb      Hyponym
4 Romanise Verb      Hyponym

1 examples of transliterate

1 to transliterate Sanskrit words by means of English letters

4 definitions of transliterate

1 To express or represent in the characters of another alphabet.
2 rewrite in a different script
3 To represent (letters or words) in the corresponding characters of another alphabet.
4 To express or write, as words of a language having peculiar alphabetic characters, in the alphabetic characters of another language; spell (the same, or approximately the same, sound) in different characters.
We get our data from many different dictionaries across the web:
Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide