We have put together a list of words that are similar to UNIONISM.

1 Alternative Words Similar to unionism

1 Labor Noun      Synonym Words Like Labor

7 definitions of unionism

1 The support of advocacy of a union, especially of a trade union
2 Support for the North (the Union) during the American Civil War
3 Support for the continuance of the United Kingdom (especially with respect to Northern Ireland)
4 The principle of uniting or combining; specifically, trade-unionism.
5 Attachment or loyalty to the principle of union, or to some particular union; specifically, attachment or loyalty to the federal union known as the United States of America, and opposition to its rupture, as by the secession of the Southern States in 1861-5.
6 In British politics, the principles or sentiments of the Unionists.
7 the system or principles and theory of labor unions
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Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide