We have put together a list of words that are similar to ARTIFICER.

50 Alternative Words Similar to artificer

1 Inventor Noun      Synonym Words Like Inventor
2 Discoverer Noun      Synonym Words Like Discoverer
3 Zeppelin Noun      Hyponym
4 Patentee Noun      Hyponym
5 Wright Noun      Hyponym
6 Goodyear Noun      Hyponym
7 Goldmark Noun      Hyponym
8 Jacquard Noun      Hyponym Words Like Jacquard
9 Browning Noun      Hyponym Words Like Browning
10 Land Noun      Hyponym Words Like Land
11 Singer Noun      Hyponym Words Like Singer
12 Steamfitter Noun      Hyponym
13 Glazier Noun      Hyponym
14 Clocksmith Noun      Hyponym
15 Paperer Noun      Hyponym
16 Glazer Noun      Hyponym
17 Upholsterer Noun      Hyponym Words Like Upholsterer
18 Coachbuilder Noun      Hyponym
19 Coppersmith Noun      Hyponym
20 Cosmetician Noun      Hyponym
21 Hairdresser Noun      Hyponym
22 Goldbeater Noun      Hyponym
23 Beautician Noun      Hyponym
24 Miller Noun      Hyponym
25 Hairstylist Noun      Hyponym
26 Luthier Noun      Hyponym
27 Styler Noun      Hyponym
28 Glassblower Noun      Hyponym
29 Cooper Noun      Hyponym Words Like Cooper
30 Tanner Noun      Hyponym
31 Rigger Noun      Hyponym
32 Stuffer Noun      Hyponym Words Like Stuffer
33 Plumber Noun      Hyponym
34 Stonemason Noun      Hyponym
35 Diesinker Noun      Hyponym
36 Taxidermist Noun      Hyponym
37 Bricklayer Noun      Hyponym
38 Stylist Noun      Hyponym
39 Glassworker Noun      Hyponym
40 Roofer Noun      Hyponym
41 Welder Noun      Hyponym
42 Currier Noun      Hyponym
43 Diemaker Noun      Hyponym
44 Clockmaker Noun      Hyponym
45 Paperhanger Noun      Hyponym
46 Roper Noun      Hyponym
47 Morris Noun      Hyponym
48 Ropemaker Noun      Hyponym
49 Bookbinder Noun      Hyponym
50 Mason Noun      Hyponym

10 definitions of artificer

1 An artistic worker; a mechanic or manufacturer; one whose occupation requires skill or knowledge of a particular kind, as a silversmith.
2 One who makes or contrives; a deviser, inventor, or framer.
3 A cunning or artful fellow.
4 A military mechanic, as a blacksmith, carpenter, etc.; also, one who prepares the shells, fuses, grenades, etc., in a military laboratory.
5 an enlisted man responsible for the upkeep of small arms and machine guns etc.
6 someone who is the first to think of or make something
7 a skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft
8 A skilled worker; a craftsperson.
9 One that contrives, devises, or constructs something: "The labyrinth . . . was built by Daedalus, a most skillful artificer” ( Thomas Bulfinch).
10 A maker; a constructor; a skilful or artistic worker; a handicraftsman; a mechanic.
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Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide