We have put together a list of words that are similar to MUSICIAN.

44 Alternative Words Similar to musician

2 Player Noun      Synonym Words Like Player
3 Virtuoso Noun      Hyponym Words Like Virtuoso
4 Conductor Noun      Hyponym Words Like Conductor
5 Ono Noun      Hyponym
6 Vocaliser Noun      Hyponym Words Like Vocaliser
7 Bassist Noun      Hyponym
8 Lutenist Noun      Hyponym
9 Clarinettist Noun      Hyponym
10 Rocker Noun      Hyponym Words Like Rocker
11 Clarinetist Noun      Hyponym
12 Organist Noun      Hyponym
13 Bandsman Noun      Hyponym
14 Vocalist Noun      Hyponym Words Like Vocalist
15 Gambist Noun      Hyponym
16 Bassoonist Noun      Hyponym
17 Vocalizer Noun      Hyponym Words Like Vocalizer
18 Accompanist Noun      Hyponym
19 Percussionist Noun      Hyponym
20 Harmonizer Noun      Hyponym
21 Vibraphonist Noun      Hyponym
22 Bagpiper Noun      Hyponym
23 Flautist Noun      Hyponym
24 Singer Noun      Hyponym Words Like Singer
25 Harmoniser Noun      Hyponym
26 Flutist Noun      Hyponym
27 Hornist Noun      Hyponym
28 Violoncellist Noun      Hyponym
29 Pianist Noun      Hyponym
30 Cellist Noun      Hyponym
31 Harpsichordist Noun      Hyponym
32 Keyboardist Noun      Hyponym
33 Accompanyist Noun      Hyponym
34 Lutanist Noun      Hyponym
35 Soloist Noun      Hyponym
36 Accordionist Noun      Hyponym
37 Piper Noun      Hyponym
38 Harpist Noun      Hyponym
39 Carillonneur Noun      Hyponym
40 Lutist Noun      Hyponym
41 Trombonist Noun      Hyponym
42 Vibist Noun      Hyponym
43 Oboist Noun      Hyponym
44 Violist Noun      Hyponym

6 definitions of musician

1 One skilled in the art or science of music; esp., a skilled singer, or performer on a musical instrument.
2 artist who composes or conducts music as a profession
3 someone who plays a musical instrument (as a profession)
4 One who composes, conducts, or performs music, especially instrumental music.
5 One who makes music a profession or otherwise devotes himself to it, whether as composer, performer, critic, theorist, or historian.
6 A composer, conductor, or performer of music.
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Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide