We have put together a list of words that are similar to SIGNORINA.

3 Alternative Words Similar to signorina

1 Signorina Noun      Synonym Words Like Signorina
2 Title Noun      Synonym Words Like Title
3 Miss Noun      Synonym Words Like Miss

6 definitions of signorina

1 Miss; -- a title of address among the Italians.
2 an Italian title or form of address for an unmarried woman
3 an Italian courtesy title for an unmarried woman; equivalent to `Miss', it is either used alone or before a name
4 Used as a courtesy title for an unmarried woman in an Italian-speaking area, equivalent to Miss.
5 An Italian title of respect for a young woman, equivalent to Miss in English, Mademoiselle in French, etc.
6 A courtesy title for an unmarried woman of Italian origin
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Wordnik, Wiktionary, Century, American Heritage, Gcide